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Publications et conférences


"Connaître, découvrir, communiquer—telle est, au fond, notre honorable destinée"
"To get to know, to discover, to publish—this is the destiny of a scientist"

From 'De L’Utilité des Pensions', Œuvres complètes de François Arago (1855), Vol. 3, 621.

Translation as given in Alan L. MacKay in A Harvest of a Quiet Eye (1977), 10. 

Journal articles

Articles publiés dans des journaux scientifiques avec comité d’évaluation

  • *M Zerzouri, R Hamzaoui, L Ziyani, A Yahia, S Alehyen, (2025) Enhancing Illitic-Clay Geopolymer Production: A Comparative Study of Conventional Method and Mechanosynthesized Pre-geopolymer Powder, Applied Clay Science.

  • SA Dadvar, S Mousa, HM Mohamed, A Yahia, B Benmokrane, (2025) Eccentric loading behavior of fibrous self-consolidated concrete columns reinforced with basalt FRP (BFRP) bars and spirals, Engineering Structures 325, 119408,

  • *JV González-Aviña, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, A Durán-Herrera, (2024) Synergistic effects of superplasticizers and biopolymer-based viscosity-modifying admixtures on the rheology of cement-based systems, Cement and Concrete Composites 154, 105807,

  • E Ibrahim, A Sanni, A Salama, A Yahia, B Benmokrane, (2024) Serviceability and Strength of PFSCC Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars Under Bending Cyclic Loading, ACI Structural and Materials Journals.

  • *Y Boutouam, M Hayek, K Bouarab, A Yahia, (2024) A comprehensive review of plant-based biopolymers as viscosity-modifying admixtures in cement-based materials, Applied Science, Vol. 14, No. 10, 4307,

  • T Tavangar, M Hosseinpoor, JS Marshall, A Yahia, KH Khayat, (2024) Four-way CFD-DEM coupling to simulate concrete pipe flow: Mechanism of formation of lubrication layer, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 179, 107479,

  • Y Rmili, TT Ngo, EH Kadri, A Yahia, M Hosseinpoor, T Nguyen (2024) New empirical test method to assess Reynolds dilatancy of concrete under free-surface flow, Construction and Building Materials 411, 134762,

  • JV González-Aviña, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, and A Durán-Herrera (2024) New biopolymers as viscosity-modifying admixtures to improve the rheological properties of cement-based materials, Cement and Concrete Composites 146, 105409,

  • I Harbouz, E Rozière, A Loukili, A Yahia, Effect of the structuration rate on dimensional stability and mechanical performance of 3D printed mortars, Materials Today: Proceedings (2023),

  • A Yahia, A Perrot, D Feys, KH Khayat, M Sonebi, S Kawashima, W Schimdt, (2023) Viscoelastic properties of fresh cement paste: measuring procedures and influencing parameters, RILEM Technical Letters 8, 23-30,

  • A Boukhatem, K Bouarab, A Yahia, (2023) Kappaphycus alvarezii Seaweed as Novel Viscosity-Modifying Admixture for Cement-Based Materials, ACI Materials Journal 120 (4), 15-28,

  • M Kohandelnia, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, R Belarbi, (2023) New insight on rheology of self-consolidating earth concrete (SCEC), Powder Technology 424, 118561,

  • M Kohandelnia, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, R Belarbi, (2023) Hygrothermal and microstructural characterization of self-consolidating earth concrete (SCEC), Journal of Building Engineering 69, 106287,

  • I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Roziere, A Loukili, (2023) Printing quality control of cement-based materials under flow and rest conditions, Cement and Concrete Composites 138, 104965,

  • T Tavangar, M Hosseinpoor, JS Marshall, A Yahia, KH Khayat, (2023) Discrete-element modeling of shear-induced particle migration during concrete pipe flow: Effect of size distribution and concentration of aggregate on formation of lubrication layer, Cement and Concrete Research 166, 107113,

  • M Kohandelnia, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, R Belarbi, (2023) Multiscale investigation of self-consolidating earthen materials using a novel concrete-equivalent mortar approach, Construction and Building Materials 370, 130700,

  • S Khiati, R Belarbi, A Yahia, (2023) Sustainable Buildings: A Choice, or a Must for Our Future?, Energies 16 (6), 2517,

  • De Grazia, M.T., Sanchez, L.F.M., and Yahia, A., (2023) Towards the design of eco-efficient concrete mixtures: An overview, Journal of Cleaner Production, 135752,

  • Nouri, N., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., and Khayat, K.H., (2023) Homogeneous flow performance of steel-fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete for repair application: A biphasic approach, Cement and Concrete Composites Volume 136: 104884,

  • Nouri, N., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., and Khayat, K.H., (2022) Homogenous flow performance of steel fiber-reinforced self-consolidating concrete for repair applications: developing a new empirical set-up, Materials and Structures Volume 55: 223,

  • Qaidi, S., Yahia, A., Tayeh, B.A., Unis, H., Faraj, R., and Mohammed, A., (2022) 3D printed geopolymer composites: A review, Materials Today Sustainability, Volume 20, 100240,

  • Mendes Saade, M.R., Yahia, A., and Ben Amor, M. (2022) Is crushed concrete carbonation significant enough to be considered as a carbon mitigation strategy?, Environmental Research Letters, Volume 17: 104049,

  • M Kohandelnia, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, R Belarbi, (2022) A new approach for proportioning self-consolidating earth paste (SCEP) using the Taguchi method, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 347, 128579,

  • Youness, D., Yahia, A., and Tagnit-Hamou, A. (2022) Development of viscosity models of concentrated suspensions: Contribution of particle-size and shape indices, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 346, 128335,

  • Nouri, N., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., and Khayat, K.H., (2022) Coupled effect of fiber and granular skeleton characteristics on packing density of fiber-aggregate mixtures, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 342, 127932

  • Moeini, M.A., Hosseinpoor, M., and Yahia, A., (2022) 3D printing of cement-based materials with adapted buildability, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 337, 127614

  • Adjou, N., Yahia, A., Oudjit, M.N., and Dupuis, M., (2022) Influence of HRWR molecular weight and polydispersity on rheology and compressive strength of high-performance cement paste, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 327, 126980

  • Boukhatem, A., Bouarab, K., and Yahia, A. (2022) Effect of (κ)- and (ι)-Carrageenans on Rheology and Strength Development of Cement-Based Materials, ACI Materials Journal, Volume 119, Issue 1, 207-219

  • Ahmadah, O., Bey, H.B., Yahia, A., and Roussel, N. (2022) A new mix design method for low-environmental-impact blended cementitious materials: Optimization of the physical characteristics of powders for better rheological and mechanical properties, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 128, 104437

  • Harbouz, I., Roziere, E., Yahia, A., and Loukili, A., (2022) Printability assessment of cement-based materials based on rheology, hydration kinetics, and viscoelastic properties, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 325, 126810

  • Tavangar, T., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A. and Khayat, K.H, (2022) Novel tri-viscous model to simulate pumping of flowable concrete through characterization of lubrication layer and plug zones, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 126, 104370

  • Moeini, M.A., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A. (2022). Yield Stress of Fine Cement-Based Mortars: Challenges and potentials with Rotational and Compressional Testing Set-ups. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 314, Part A, 125691,

  • Rifaai, Y., Yahia, A., Aggoun, S., and Kadri, EH (2022) Rheology and mechanical performance of self-consolidating hybrid-geopolymer concrete as a sustainable construction material, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 314, Part B, 125633,

  • Touahri, A., Branci, T., Yahia, A., Ezziane, K. (2021) Effect of recycled polypropylene fiber on high strength concrete and normal strength concrete properties, Advances in materials Research, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 267-281,

  • Tavangar, T., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., and Khayat, K.H., (2021) Computational investigation of concrete flow behavior during pumping process: A critical review, ACI Materials Journal, Volume 118, No. 6, pp. 203-215,

  • Zouaoui, Y., Benmahiddine, F., Yahia, A., Belarbi, R. (2021). Hygrothermal and mechanical behaviours of fiber-reinforced mortar: Comparative study between palm and hemp fibers, Energies, Volume 14, No. 21,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Ouro Koura, B.I., and Yahia, A., (2021) New diphasic insight into the restricted flowability and granular blocking of self-consolidating concrete: Effect of morphological characteristics of coarse aggregate on passing ability of SCC, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 308, 125001

  • Boukhatem, A., Bouarab, K., and Yahia, A., (2021) Kappa (к)-carrageenan as a novel viscosity-modifying admixture for cement-based materials - Effect on rheology, stability, and strength development, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 124, 104221

  • Bakouregui, A.S., Mohamed, H.M., Yahia, A., and Benmokrane, B., (2021) Explainable extreme gradient boosting tree-based prediction of load-carrying capacity of FRP-RC columns, Engineering Structures, Volume 245, 112836,

  • Bakouregui, A.S., Mohamed, H.M., Yahia, A., and Benmokrane, B., (2021) Axial load–moment interaction diagram of full-scale circular LWSCC columns reinforced with BFRP and GFRP bars and spirals: Experimental and theoretical investigations, Engineering Structures, Volume 242, 112538,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Ouro Koura, B.I., and Yahia, A., (2021) Rheo-morphological investigation of static and dynamic stability of self-consolidating concrete: A biphasic approach, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 121, 104072,

  • Safhi, A.M., Rivard, P., Yahia, A., Khayat, K.H., Abrik, N., (2021) Durability and transport properties of SCC incorporating dredged sediments, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 288, 123116,

  • Mesboua, N., Benyounes, K., Kennouche, S., Yahia, A., Benmounah, A., Kemer, H., (2021) Calcinated bentonite as supplementary cementitious materials in cement-based mortar, Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 23-32,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Ouro Koura, B.I., and Yahia, (2021) Rheo-morphological investigation of Reynolds dilatancy and its effect on pumpability of self-consolidating concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 117, 103912,

  • Youness, D., Yahia, A., and Tagnit-Hamou, A. (2021) Coupled rheo-physical effects of blended cementitious materials on wet packing and flow properties of inert suspensions, Construction and Building Materials, 121588,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Ouro Koura, B.I., Yahia, A., and Kadri, E.-H., (2021) Diphasic investigation of the visco-elastoplastic characteristics of highly flowable fine mortars, Construction and Building Materials, 270C, 121425,

  • Youness, D., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., and Tagnit-Hamou, A. (2021) Flowability characteristics of dry supplementary cementitious materials using Carr measurements and their effect on rheology of suspension, Powder Technology, Volume 378 (Part A), 124-144,

  • Ali, Z.S., Hosseinpoor, M., and Yahia, A. (2020) New aggregate grading models for low-binder self-consolidating and semi-self-consolidating concrete (Eco-SCC and Eco-semi-SCC), Construction and Building Materials, Volume 265C, 120314,

  • Ouro Koura B.I., Hosseinpoor M., and Yahia, A. (2020) Coupled effect of fine mortar and granular skeleton characteristics on dynamic stability of self-consolidating concrete as a diphasic material, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 263C, 120131,

  • Abdalla A.H., Yahia A., Tagnit-Hamou A., (2020) Statistical modeling of mechanical and transport properties of concrete incorporating glass powder, Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials,

  • Moeini, M.A., Hosseinpoor, M., and Yahia, A. (2020) Effectiveness of the rheometric methods to evaluate the build-up of cementitious mortars used for 3D printing, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 257, 119551,

  • Fantous, T., and Yahia, A. (2020) Effect of HRWR-VMA-AE combinations and shear on air-void characteristics in self-consolidating concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 253, 119192,

  • Fantous, T., and Yahia, A. (2020) Effect of viscosity and shear regime on the stability of air-void system in self-consolidating concrete using Taguchi method, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 112, 103653,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Ouro Koura, B.I., and Yahia, A. (2020) New methodology to evaluate the Reynolds dilatancy of self-consolidating concrete using 3D image analysis - Coupled effect of characteristics of fine mortar and granular skeleton, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 108, 103547,

  • Ouro Koura, B.I., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., Kadri, E.-H., and Kaci, A. (2020) A new proportioning approach of low and normal binder self-consolidating concrete based on the characteristics of fine mortar and granular skeleton, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 239, 117892,

  • Fantous, T., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., and Selma, B. (2020) Numerical simulation of static and dynamic stability of air-bubbles in highly flowable cement-based materials, Materials Today Communications, Volume 23, 100871,

  • Fantous, T., and Yahia, A. (2020) Air-Void characteristics in highly flowable cement-based materials, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 235, 117454,

  • Safhi, A.M., Rivard, P., Yahia, A., Benzerzour, M., Khayat, K.H., (2020). Valorization of dredged sediments in self-consolidating concrete: Fresh, hardened, and microstructural properties. Journal of Cleaner Production, V. 263,

  • Mendes Saade, M.R., Yahia, A., and Ben Amor, M. (2020) How has LCA been applied to 3D printing? A systematic literature review and recommendations for future studies, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 244, 118803,

  • Rifaai, Y, Yahia, A, Mostafa, A, Aggoun, S., and Kadri, E.-H. (2019) Rheology of fly ash-based geopolymer: Effect of NaOH concentration, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 223, pp. 583-594,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., and Khayat, K.H., (2019) Modeling of flow performance of self-consolidating concrete using Dam Break Theory and computational fluid dynamics, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 102, pp. 14-27,

  • Azarijafari, H., Yahia, A., and Ben Amor, M. (2019) Removing shadows from consequential LCA through a time-dependent modeling approach: policy-making in road pavement sector, Environ. Sci. Technol., Volume 53, No. 3, pp. 1087-1097,

  • Kabagire, K.D., Yahia, A., and Chekired, M. (2018) Toward the prediction of rheological properties of self-consolidating concrete as diphasic material, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 195, pp. 600-612,

  • Ouattara, D., Mbonimpa, M., Belem, T. and Yahia, A. (2018) Assessment of rheological parameters of high density cemented paste backfill mixtures incorporating superplasticizer, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 190, pp. 294-307,

  • Azarijafari, H., Yahia, A., and Ben Amor, M. (2018) Assessing the individual and combined effects of uncertainty and variability sources in comparative LCA of pavements, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 23, Issue 9, pp. 1888-1902,

  • Ouattara, D., Belem, T., Mbonimpa, M., and Yahia, A. (2018) Effect of superplasticizers on the consistency and unconfined compressive strength of cemented paste backfills, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 181, pp. 59-72,

  • Feys D., Cepuritis, R., Jacobsen, S., Lesage, K., Secrieru, E., and Yahia, A. (2017) Measuring rheological properties of cement pastes: most common techniques, procedures and challenges, RILEM Technical Letters, Volume 2, pp. 129‐135,

  • Long, W.-J., Khayat, K.H., Yahia, A., Hwang, S.-D., and Xing, X. (2017) Rheological approach in proportioning and evaluating prestressed self-consolidating concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 82, pp. 105-116,

  • Kabagire, K.D., Diederich, P., Yahia, A., and Chekired, M. (2017) Experimental assessment of the effect of particle characteristics on rheological properties of model mortar, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 151, pp. 615-624,

  • Ouattara, D., Yahia, A., Mbonimpa, M., and Belem, T. (2017) Effects of superplasticizer on rheological properties of cemented paste backfills, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 161, pp. 28-40,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Khayat, K.H., and Yahia, A. (2017) Numerical simulation of self-consolidating concrete flow as a heterogeneous material in L-Box set-up: Effect of rheological parameters on flow performance, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 83C, pp. 290-307,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Khayat, K.H., and Yahia, A. (2017) Numerical simulation of self-consolidating concrete flow as a heterogeneous material in L-Box set-up: coupled effect of reinforcing bars and aggregate content on flow characteristics, Materials and Structures, Volume 50, #163,

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Khayat, K.H., and Yahia, A. (2017) Numerical simulation of dynamic segregation of self-consolidating concrete in T-Box set-up, Computers and Concrete, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 257-269,

  • Kabagire, K.D., and Yahia, A. (2017) Modelling the properties of pervious concrete using a full-factorial design, Road Materials and Pavement Design. Volume 19, pp. 1-17,

  • Esmaeilkhanian, B., Diederich, P., Khayat, K.H., Yahia, A., and Wallevik, O.H. (2017) Influence of particle lattice effect on stability of suspension: Application to self-consolidating concrete, Materials and Structures, Volume 50, #39,

  • Mostafa, A.M., and Yahia, A. (2016) Physico-chemical kinetics of structural build-up of neat cement-based suspensions, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 97, pp. 11-27,

  • Mostafa, A.M., and Yahia, A. (2016) New approach to assess build-up of cement-based suspensions, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 85, pp. 174-182,

  • Sonebi, M., Bassuoni, M., and Yahia, A. (2016) Pervious concrete: Mix design, properties and applications, RILEM Technical Letters, Volume 1, pp. 109-115,

  • Azarijafari, H., Kazemian, A., and Yahia, A. (2016) Effects of pre-soaked super absorbent polymer on fresh and hardened properties of self-consolidating lightweight concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 113, pp. 215-220,

  • Azarijafari, H., Yahia A., and Ben Amor, M. (2016) Life cycle assessment of pavements: Reviewing research challenges and opportunities, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 112, pp. 2187-2197,

Articles soumis dans des journaux scientifiques avec comité d’évaluation

  • *M Kohandelnia, M Zerzouri, A Yahia, KH Khayat, (2024) Effect of Treatment and Activation on Kaolinite-Based Self-Consolidating Earth Paste: Reactivity, Rheological, Mechanical, and Microstructural Insights, Cement and Concrete Research (Under review).

  • *JV González-Aviña, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, M Kohandelnia, A Durán-Herrera, (2024) Potential use of anionic biopolymers to optimize rheology of concrete for 3D-printing applications, Cement and Concrete Composites (Under review).

  • *Y Rmili, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, TT Ngo, EH Kadri, (2024) Reynolds dilatancy of self-consolidating concrete under pressurized shearing conditions, Construction and Building Materials, (Under review).

  • *N Nouri, Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, KH Khayat, (2024) Fiber orientation and distribution of steel fiber-reinforced self-consolidating concrete in reinforced and confined elements, Construction and Building Materials, (Under review).

  • *T Tavangar, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, KH Khayat, K.H., (2024) Numerical simulation of flowable concrete pumping using a novel shear-rate dependent tri-viscous model, Construction and Building Materials, (Under review).

  • *Y Rmili, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, TT Ngo, (2024) Effect of shear rate on Reynolds dilatancy of self-consolidating concrete under free-surface flow conditions, Construction and Building Materials, (Under review).

  • *F Mobasheri, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, F Pourkamali-Anaraki, (2024) Machine Learning as an Innovative Engineering Tool for Controlling Concrete Performance: A Comprehensive Review, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, (Under review).
  • *Y Rmili, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, TT Ngo, (2024) New setup to assess concrete Reynolds dilatancy under confined flow conditions: Simulating coupled effect of shear, friction, and pressure during pipe flow, Construction and Building Materials, (Under review), Preprint:

  • *I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Roziere, A Loukili, (2024) Squeeze Test: A Toolkit for Assessing the Printability of Stiff Cement-based Materials, Cement and Concrete Composites (Under review).

  • *A Boukhatem, M Hayek, K Bouarab, A Yahia, (2024) Optimising the extraction processing of carrageenan as a viscosity modifying admixture: a step towards its commercialization in the concrete industry. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (Under review).

  • *M Kohandelnia, A Yahia (2024) From dry flowability to rheology: advancing earth-based paste optimization, ACI Materials Journal (Under review).

  • *M Kohandelnia, A Yahia (2024) Rheological requirements for earth-based 3D printing, Construction and Building Materials (Under review).     

Articles de conférences

  • SA Dadvar, S Mousa, HM Mohamed, A Yahia, B Benmokrane, Behavior of columns reinforce with FRP bars and synthetic fibers, in Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference, 24th to 27th May 2023, Moncton, Canada, Volume 12 (December 2024), pp. 195-204,

  • *M Kohandelnia, A Yahia, Rheology of stabilized earth-based paste, ICCM2024 (2024) Toulouse, France, June 2024,

  • A Hafidi, I Harbouz, B Hilloulin, A Loukili, A Yahia, Machine Learning Models for Predicting Rheological Properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC), ICCM2024 (2024) Toulouse, France, June 2024,

  • A Hafidi, B Hilloulin, I Harbouz, A Loukili, A Yahia, Utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle pour l’optimisation multi-critères des bétons autoplaçants, RUGC2024 (2024) Havre-Normandie, France.

  • I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Rozière, A Loukili, Evaluation de l’effet de la dispersion sur la structuration au jeune âge d’un mortier imprimable, Academic Journal of Civil Engineering (2023),

  • González Aviña J.V., Hosseinpoor M., Yahia A., and Duran-Herrera A., New biopolymers as viscosity-modifying admixture to improve the performance of cement-based materials, ACI Convention (2022) Dallas, TX, USA.

  • M Kohandelnia, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, R Belarbi, Introduction of self-consolidating earth concrete (SCEC) and investigation on the influencing parameters using Taguchi method, First International RILEM Conference on Earthen Construction - Fundamentals and Applications for a Circular Economy (2022) Paris, France.

  • I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Rozière, A Loukili, Printability Assessment of Cement-Based Materials Using Uniaxial Compression Test. In R. Buswell, A. Blanco, S. Cavalaro, & P. Kinnell (Éds.), Third RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication (p. 318-323). Springer International Publishing (2022),

  • Moeini M.A., Hosseinpoor M., Yahia A. (2020) Use of the Chemical and Mineral Admixtures to Tailor the Rheology and the Green Strength of 3D Printing Cementitious Mixtures, In: Bos F., Lucas S., Wolfs R., Salet T. (eds) Second RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. DC 2020. RILEM Bookseries, vol 28. Springer, Cham, pp 73-82,

  • Harbouz I., Roziere E., Yahia A., Lokili A. (2020) Physico-Chemical Characterization at Early-Age of 3D Printed Mortar, In: Bos F., Lucas S., Wolfs R., Salet T. (eds) Second RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication. DC 2020. RILEM Bookseries, vol 28. Springer, Cham, pp 272-279,

  • Rifaai Y., Yahia A., Mostafa A., Aggoun S., Kadri EH. (2020) “Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Alkali-Activated Hybrid Matrix for Self-consolidating Concrete” Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials. RILEM Bookseries, vol 23. Springer, Cham.

  • Ahmadah, Bessaies-Bey, H., Yahia, A., Roussel, N. (2020) Non-adsorbing organic admixtures enhancing the rheology of concrete for 3D printing. Digital concrete 2020, Eindhoven, July 2020.

  • Moeini, A., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A. (2020) Use of Chemical and Mineral Admixtures to Tailor the Rheology and the Green Strength of 3D Printable Cementitious Mixtures. Digital concrete 2020, Eindhoven, July 2020.

  • Harbouz, I., Roziere, E., Yahia, A., Loukili, A. (2020) Physico-chemical characterization at early-age of 3D printed mortar. Digital concrete 2020, Eindhoven, July 2020.

  • Ahmadah, O., Bessaies-Bey, H., Yahia, A., Roussel, N. (2020) Effect of morphological characteristics on the viscosity of cementitious materials: optimization of the rheological behavior of ternary cements, ICCM 2020, Toulouse, Juin 2020.

  • Rifaai Y., Yahia A., Mostafa A., Aggoun S., Kadri EH. “Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Alkali-Activated Hybrid Matrix for Self-consolidating Concrete”. RheoCon 2019, SCC 2019. September 2019, Dresden, Germany

  • Rifaai, Y., Yahia, A., Mostafa, A., Aggoun, S., Kadri, E., (2019) Rheological and mechanical properties of alkali-activated hybrid matrix for self-consolidating concrete, In: Mechtcherine V., Khayat K.H., Secrieru E. (eds) Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials. RheoCon 2019, SCC 2019. RILEM Bookseries, vol 23. Springer, Cham

  • Youness, D., Yahia, A., Tagnit-Hamou, A., (2019) New Rheo-Physical Approach for Powder to Control Rheology of Highly Flowable Concrete, 9th International RILEM Symposium on Self Compacting Concrete (SCC9) & 2nd International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2), September 8th -11th 2019, Dresden, Germany

  • Ouro Koura, B.I., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A. (2019) Effect of packing density of aggregate, rheological properties and volumetric content of fine mortar matrix on heterogeneous performance of self-consolidating concrete (SCC), 9th International RILEM Symposium on Self Compacting Concrete (SCC9) & 2nd International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2), September 8th -11th 2019, Dresden, Germany

  • Ouro Koura, B.I., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A. (2019) Effect of sand content and rheology of cement paste on visco-elastoplastic properties of simulated lubrication layer in self-consolidating concrete (SCC) pumping process, 9th International RILEM Symposium on Self Compacting Concrete (SCC9) & 2nd International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2), September 8th -11th 2019, Dresden, Germany

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Ouro Koura, B.I., Sourice, T., Yahia, A., (2019) Application of image analysis technics to evaluate the effect of morphological characteristics of aggregate on flow performance of self-consolidating concrete (SCC), 9th International RILEM Symposium on Self Compacting Concrete (SCC9) & 2nd International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2), September 8th -11th 2019, Dresden, Germany

  • Moeini, M.A., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A. (2019) Rheological requirements of cement-based mixtures used for additive manufacturing, a review, 9th International RILEM Symposium on Self Compacting Concrete (SCC9) & 2nd International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2), September 8th -11th 2019, Dresden, Germany

  • Ahmadah, O., Bessaies-Bey, H., Yahia, A., Roussel, N. (2019) Measuring the particle size distribution of blended cement, ICCC 2019, Prague, September 2019

  • Yahia, A., Mostafa, A. (2019) Structural build-up of cement-based materials for 3D printing. International RILEM Workshop on Rheological Measurements of Cement-based Materials., S – IRWRMC 2018., France., 2019

  • Sanni, A., Mohamed, H., Yahia, A., Benmokrane, B. (2019) Performance of lightweight self-consolidating concrete columns reinforced with GFRP bars and spirals, CSCE Annual Conference. Growing with youth. Juin 2019, Québec

  • Ahmadah, O., Bessaies-Bey, H., Yahia, A., Roussel., N. (2018) Contrôle de la rhéologie des liants à faibles impacts environnementaux: Effet de la distribution particulaire des suspensions modèles dispersées et floculées sur les propriétés rhéologiques, Lia Ecomat 2018, Université de Sherbrooke, Mai 2018, Sherbrooke, Québec

  • Yahia, A., Mustafa, A. (2018) Structural build-up of cement-based materials for 3D printing. Fourth International Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetics and Pollution., ICEMAEP2018, April 29-30, 2018, Constantine, Algeria.

  • Feys, D., Cepuritis, R., Jacobsen, S., Lesage, K., Secrieru, E., Yahia, A., (2017) Measuring rheological properties of cement pastes: most common techniques, procedures and challenges., RILEM Technical Letters (2017) 2:129‐135

  • AzariJafari, H., Yahia, A., Ben Amor, M. (2017) Let’s be more precise on infrastructure decision-making: Developing a dynamic consequential LCA model for pavements, LCA XVII, Portsmouth, NH, USA, October 2-5., 2017

  • Mostafa, A.M. Yahia, A. (2017) Effect of temperature on the kinetics of build-up of cement suspensions., Proceedings of 10th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 2-4, 2017

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Khayat, K.H., Yahia, A. (2016) Numerical simulation of self-consolidating concrete flow as a heterogeneous material in L-Box set-up, Proceedings of the 8th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete & 6th North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete: SCC 2016, Washington, DC, USA, May 15-18, pp. 561-571

  • Hosseinpoor M., Khayat K.H., Yahia A., Mesbah H. (2016) Homogeneous analysis of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) casting in reinforced beam using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)., Proceedings of the 8th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete & 6th North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete: SCC 2016, Washington, DC, USA, May 15-18, pp. 549-559

  • Kabagire, K.D., Diederich, P., Yahia, A., Chekired, A. (2016) A diphasic approach to evaluate the rheological properties of self-consolidating concrete, Proceedings of the 8th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete & 6th North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete: SCC 2016, Washington, DC, USA, May 15-18, pp. 449-459

  • Kabagire, K.D., Diederich, P., Yahia, A., Chekired, M. (2016) Influence of shape, size, and solid concentration of particles on rheological properties of Self-consolidating mortar., Proceedings of the 8th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete & 6th North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete: SCC 2016, Washington, DC, USA, May 15-18, pp. 439-448

  • Mostafa, A., Yahia, A. (2016) Effect of cement type and solid concentration on kinetics of structural build-up of cement suspensions, Proceedings of the 8th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete & 6th North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete: SCC 2016, Washington, DC, USA, May 15-18, pp. 407-416

  • Mostafa, A., Yahia, A. (2016) New approach to assess build-up of cement-based suspensions., ACI Spring 2016 Convention: Thixotropy of Concrete How It Can Help, Milwaukee, WI, USA, April 17-21.

Présentations dans des colloques

  • M Kohandelnia, A Yahia, Rheology of stabilized earth-based paste, 12th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete, Toulouse, France, June 2024.

  • A Hafidi, I Harbouz, B Hilloulin, A Loukili, A Yahia, Machine Learning Models for Predicting Rheological Properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC), 12th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete, Toulouse, France, June 2024.

  • I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Rozière, A Loukili, Effect of the structuration rate on dimensional stability and mechanical performance of 3D printed mortars,  4rd International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability, Rabat, Morocco, July 2023.

  • I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Rozière, A Loukili, Evaluation de l’effet de la dispersion sur la structuration au jeune âge d’un mortier imprimable, Congrès Français du Génie Civil : Ville du futur et changement climatique, CFGC 2023, Ile de France, May 2023.

  • M Kohandelnia, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, R Belarbi, A new proportioning approach for self-consolidating earth paste (SCEP) using the Taguchi method, American Concrete Institute (ACI) Convention, Quebec, Canada, December 2022.

  • JV Gonzalez-Aviña, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, A Duran-Herrera, New biopolymers as viscosity-modifying admixture to improve the performance of cement-based materials, ACI Convention, Dallas, October 25, 2022.

  • I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Rozière, A Loukili, Thixotropic behavior of 3D printable cement-based materials, Digital Concrete 2022, Loughborough, UK, June 2022.

  • I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Rozière, A Loukili, Printability assessment of cement-based materials using uniaxial compression test, Digital Concrete 2022, Eindhoven, June 2022.

  • M Kohandelnia, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, R Belarbi, Development of Self-Consolidating Earth Concrete (SCEC) with Multifunctional Performance, Le sixième colloque ecomat, Sherbrooke, Canada, May 2022.

  • M Kohandelnia, M Hosseinpoor, A Yahia, R Belarbi, Introduction of self-consolidating earth concrete (SCEC) and investigation on the influencing parameters using Taguchi method, First International RILEM Conference on Earthen Construction - Fundamentals and Applications for a Circular Economy, Paris, France, March 2022.

  • I Harbouz, A Yahia, E Rozière, A Loukili, Concrete mix design guidelines for extrusion-based digital construction, (Poster), 3D Printing Technology and Research World Forum, CONTINUUM FORUMS - Frankfurt, Germany; December 2021.

  • I Harbouz, E Roziere, A Yahia, A Loukili, Physico-chemical characterization at early-age of 3D printed mortar, Digital concrete 2020, Eindhoven, July 2020.

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Khayat, K.H., Yahia, A., Mesbah, H., Homogeneous Analysis of Self-Consolidating Concrete Casting in Reinforced Beam Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), ACI Convention, Cincinnati, October 20, 2019.

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Khayat, K.H., Yahia, A., Homogeneous versus Heterogeneous Simulation of SCC Flow, Advantages and Limitations, ACI Convention, Cincinnati, October 20, 2019.

  • Moeini, M.A., Hosseinpoor, M., Yahia, A., Correlation between rheology and 3D-printability properties of fine mortars, American Concrete Institute (ACI) Convention, Quebec, Canada, Spring 2019.

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Khayat, K.H., Yahia, A., Numerical simulation of dynamic segregation of SCC in restricted and non-restricted flow conditions, The Concrete Convention and Exposition, American Concrete Institute (ACI) Convention, Detroit, MI, USA, Spring 2017.

  • Hosseinpoor, M., Khayat, K.H., Yahia, A., Numerical simulation of dynamic segregation of SCC in restricted and non-restricted flow conditions., ACI Spring 2017 Convention: Innovations in SCC Rheology, Detroit, MI, USA, March 26-30, 2017.

Chapitres de livre

  • Yahia, A., Perrot, A. (2024). Measuring Procedures. In: Sonebi, M., Feys, D. (eds) Measuring Rheological Properties of Cement-based Materials. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, vol 39. Springer, Cham.

  • Sonebi, M., and A. Yahia, (2020) Chapter 1 – Mix Design Procedure, Tests, and Standards. Self-Compacting Concrete., Materials, Properties and Applications. Editor Elsevier S&T Books (2020), 1-30

  • M. Sonebi, A. Yahia, and P. Diederich, (2016) Chapter 10 – Sustainability of cement, concrete and cement replacement materials in construction, Sustainability of Construction Materials, 2nd Edition, Editor: Khatib J. M., Woodhead Publishing, ISBN 978-0-08-100995-6, pp.371-392., 2016.

  • Yahia, A., Mantellato, S., and Flatt, J.R. (2016) Chapter 7 – Concrete rheology: A basis for understanding chemical admixtures, Science and Technology of Concrete Admixtures, Editor: Woodhead Publishing, ISBN: 978-0-08-100693-1, pp. 97-127.

  • Yahia, A., and Aïtcin, P.-C. (2016) Chapter 26 – Self-consolidating concrete., Science and Technology of Concrete Admixtures, Editor: Aïtcin P.-C. and Flatt R. J., Woodhead Publishing, ISBN: 978-0-08-100693-1, pp. 491-502.

  • Yahia, A., and Aïtcin, P.-C. (2016) Appendix 2 – Experimental statistical design., Science and Technology of Concrete Admixtures, Editor: Aïtcin P.-C. and Flatt R.J., Woodhead Publishing, ISBN: 978-0-08.



  • Yahia, A., Bouarab, K., Boukhatem, A., and Mostafa, A., (2021) Use of carrageenan as a viscosity-modifying admixture in a flowable cementitious suspensions, US patent, No. 63/115,270.

Thèses de doctorat et mémoires de maîtrise

  • Rmili Y. (2024) Étude de la dilatance de Reynolds du béton et son effet sur la formation de la couche de lubrification dans les tuyaux de pompage, Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Boukhatem A. (2024) Utilisation des carraghénanes comme nouveaux agents de viscosité dans les matériaux à base de ciment, Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Tavangar T. (2023) Numerical simulation of self-consolidating concrete flow as homogeneous fluid(s) and heterogeneous material during pumping process, Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Kohandelnia M. (2023) Development of self-consolidating earth concrete (SCEC) with improved multifunctional performance for green construction, Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke et La Rochelle Université.

  • Harbouz, I. (2022) Comportement rhéo-mécanique des matériaux cimentaires adaptés pour une mise en place par impression 3D, Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université Gustave Eiffel et Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Nouri, N. (2022) Effet couplé des caractéristiques des granulats-fibres et de la rhéologie du mortier sur les performances hétérogènes du béton autoplaçant renforcé de fibres (FR-SCC), Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Zouaoui Y. (2022) Comportements rhéologique et hygrothermique des composites renforcés avec des fibres végétales, Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Youness, D. (2021) Synergie entre les liants et liants alternatifs et son impact sur la rhéologie des bétons fluides à rhéologie adaptée (BFRA). Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Moeini, M.A. (2021) Rhéologie de matériaux à base de ciment utilisés pour l'impression 3D à grande échelle. Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Sanni, A. (2021) Étude du comportement de poteaux en béton autoplaçant léger armé de PRF sous charges axiales et excentrées, Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Ali, Z.S. (2020) Développement de béton autoplaçant (BAP) et de béton semi-autoplaçant (BSAP) à teneur en pâte optimale. Mémoire de maîtrise, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Rifaai, Y. (2020) Rhéologie des matrices hybrides composées de ciment et d’ajouts cimentaires activés. Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Koura, B.I.O. (2020) Pompabilité des bétons autoplaçants à faible teneur en liant : étude des mécanismes de formation de la couche limite. Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Fantous, T. (2020) Investigation expérimentale et modélisation numérique du comportement des bulles d’air dans les bétons fluides. Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Kabagire, K.D. (2018) Modélisation expérimentale et analytique des propriétés rhéologiques des bétons autoplaçants. Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Azarijafari, H. (2018) Development of a consequential dynamic model incorporating variability and uncertainty analysis for assessing life cycle environmental impacts of pavements. Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke. 11. Abdoulaye, M.A. (2018) Caractérisation de liants cimentaires et des additions minérales et évaluation de l’influence de leurs caractéristiques sur la performance des Bétons Fluides à Rhéologie Adaptée (BFRA). Mémoire de maîtrise, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Santamaria Diaz, N.K. (2018) Valorisation des granulats recyclés dans le béton pour les pavages et trottoirs. Mémoire de Maîtrise, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke. 13. Nesmene, M. (2018) Propriétés des bétons autoplaçants de haute performance préparés avec des granulats recyclés. Mémoire de Maîtrise, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke. 14. Amiri, S. (2017) Comportement du béton autoplaçant fibré à la résistance d'adhésion et la résistance au cisaillement. Mémoire de Maîtrise, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Turcano, V. (2017) Valorisation des granulats recyclés dans les bétons soumis au gel/dégel sans saturation (classes d’exposition F et R). Mémoire de Maîtrise, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • Hosseinpoor, M. (2016) Simulation numérique de l'écoulement du BAP dans des éléments de mur et de poutre en utilisant des modèles dynamiques d'écoulement. Thèse de doctorat, Spécialité génie civil, Université de Sherbrooke.

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